Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Bad times making good things...

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Firstly, sorry it has been so long, I have been away for a bit and my scheduled posts failed to appear... this was one of them!

I am not sure if I have mentioned it before but M and I have serious family issues, his family, not mine (although mine are no angels right now either!!). I don't want to waffle on about it but what I am trying to highlight is how much we have grown as a couple since these issues became so much worse. We used to squabble about family things that had nothing to do with us. We have never 'fallen out' over anything other than family issues, and when we have argued, it isn't because we disagree, but more just because we are tired of things or frustrated.

Something happened last weekend that rocked us again and this time we ended up crying and hugging in talking about what we would do if we all failed to be reconciled. That was all so much more productive! Since that Saturday we have been so much closer and open. We both feel the difference and that is lovely. We know there is a large possibility that we may never have a 'family' Christmas again. We know that when we get married it will probably just be the two of us (as a result of all this my family are not interested in seeing his now - great.).

I told him that I had thought about leaving him (when things were super bad) but not because we were not getting on - just because I didn't want him to feel he had to choose between me and his family. The issues with them are nothing to do with me but I didn't want him to worry and I know family is important.

Overall, I guess what I am saying is, hang in there. Keep talking, talking is the most important thing and it is what led to my previous relationship failing, in my opinion. Try to remember who you are through the bad times and remember why you are together and how the person compliments you and how they make you happy. That is what I did, and it has worked.

Thank you M, you are my rock.
I love you.

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